Genetic Job Change Quest
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Alchemist, 60 for Biochemist
Reward Item: 1 Midas Whisper[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. Go to the Alchemist Guild in Al De Baran and find the Alchemist Union Member on the first floor (alde_alche 35,185).
2. When you tell him you have interest in Geneticists he asks you to find an experct called Devries in Lighthalzen.
3. Go to the Geneticists Lab in Lighthalzen. It's located on the west side of Lighthalzen.
4. Inside, talk with Devries (job3_gen01 25,58)
5. Devries starts talking about Geneticists but the conversation gets distrubed. He tells you he can't concentrate, but that he likes the cookies he had at home in Rune-Midgard.
6. Go upstairs to Devries' room and find the Delivery Box (job3_gen01 81,72). Open the box and take a cookie from it. Please note that the cookie will NOT show up in your inventory.
7. Talk to Devries again and hand him the cookie. He will confirm whether or not you want to continue. Talk 2 more times with Devries untill he asks you to conduct an experiment with plants.
8. Go to the cabinet south of Devries and read the Plant Guide. You need to read at least the option 'Plant' in order to continue
9. On the first floor you'll find several plants.
10. Acquire all of the following 6 plants:
* Sticky Grass
* Muka Tree
* Bigibigigrass
* Bogi Vine
* Congra
* Aolatura
11. When you get all plants to do the table and start the experiment.
12. You need to do it in the following order. The names for each option may differ at random, thus you might have to repeat this sequence if unsuccessful.
*1. Crush
*2. Heat
*3. Put it into a Testing Flask and Shake
*4. Dip in distilled Water
*5. Inject it into a Testing Seed
13. You will be ask which kind of Testing Seed you want to use, but you can select any option you'd like. When you're done, you will get a Seed For Experiment.
14. Go to Devries again and talk with him. He'll tell you he will recommend you with the Alchemist Union Member, but since it takes time he requests you go see Demi Calberine.
15. You'll find Demi Calberine (job3_gen01 91,48) on the second floor. She tells you she's trying to make a new cart but that some parts are missing.
16. Check out the Organized Parts spread on second floor. When you talked to all of them, talk to Demi Calberine again.
17. Demi Calberine will now ask you to test out Cart Revolution on Poison Spores. You will be teleported into the Poison Spore holding pen at the first floor.
18. You'll have to kill 100 Poison Spores, which keep respawning a few seconds after you've killed them.
* Notes:
* You can leave the pen at any time you like by talking with the sign outside the cage.
* If you die or exit the pen, you can talk with Demi Calberine again to enter the cage.
* Killing any Poison Spore in any other part the game not will allow you to complete this part of the quest.
* Although it's implied you need Cart Revolution, you do not actually need to to proceed. However, due to the amount of Poison Spores in the cage it would be considerably faster to have acquired Cart Revolution before starting this part of the quest.
19. After killing 100 Poison Spores, talk with the sign outside the pen.
20. After you've left the cage, talk with Devries again. He'll tell you no reponse has arrived yet. Please note that you need to remove your Cart in order to continue from this point.
21. Talk with Devries again and he'll promote you to Genetic.
Source: IRo Wiki
Job Change Quest
Sorcerer Job Change Quest
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Sage, 60 for Scholar
Reward Item: 1 Wind Whisper[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. On the top floor of geffen tower, speak to Merito. When he asks what brought you here, pick any option (except the last). When has asks your name tell him.
2. Speak to him a second time, tell him you can handle magic skillfully. Then tell him that Sorcerers can deal with the spirits. Agree to his test and he'll tell you to go to Karacas on the 4th floor.
3. Go down three floors and speak to Karacas (gef_tower 113, 161) in the middle of the room. He says you will need 3 Wind of Verdure, 3 Crystal Blue, 3 Red Blood, and 3 Green Live for the next step.
4. Karacas then gives you locations where you can meet the spirits.
5. You must collect 3 reagents from the 4 locations (one from each location). For each attempt to communicate you will need 3 of the corresponding elemental stone. You will likely need at least 100 elemental stones.
*1. Ice Dungeon 1: Use Crystal Blues at the northeast corner (ice_dun01 274, 274)
*2. Thor Volcano 1: Use Red Bloods at the center of northwest room (thor_v01 64, 252)
*3. Mjolnir Dead Pit 3: Use Green Lives at the southwest part of northeast island (mjo_dun03 201, 141)
*4. Kunlun Dungeon 2: Use Wind of Verdure at the southwest part of northeast island (gun_dun02 195, 190)
6. Once you have a Clear Reagent, Black Reagent, and Red Reagent, return to Karacas.
7. Karacas will congratulate you on finishing the test and change you to a Sorcerer.
Source: Iro Wiki
Job Change Quest
Wanderer Job Change Quest
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Dancer, 60 for Gypsy
Reward Item: 1 Dying Swan[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. In Lutie, speak to the either of the Aspiring Wanderers (xmas 161, 209) south of santa's house.
2. On the west side of the Christmas tree (in south lutie), speak to the Performance Manager (lutie 132, 143), offer to help him. He asks you to speak with Song Guitar in comodo regarding the canceled performance.
3. In Comodo, go into the casino, up to the next floor, and south through a portal. You should end up on a balcony with a Cheerless Minstrel (comodo 139, 86).
4. Talk to him and inquire about Dancer Kim, use Kiss of Fortune (Lady Luck) to make him talk. He tells you Kim quit the group and is in hugel.
* Note: If you have not learned Lady Luck, selecting "Scream" has a low chance to advance the quest.
5. In Hugel, enter the building just west of the airship (hugel 153, 149). In the east room talk to Vacant Looking Lady and tell her she shouldn't give up. Offer to exercise with her and she'll ask you to meet her at abyss lake.
6. At the east portal of abyss lake (hu_fild05 342, 130), speak to Dancer Kim. She will give you a kill count quest for 50 Yellow Novus, with a 10 min timer.
7. After you succeed, she asks you to tell Guitar Song in comodo that the performance is back on.
8. After telling him in comodo, proceed to lutie.
9. Walk near the front of the tree and the show will begin. Click on Dancer Kim, and after some dialog you will be changed to wanderer.
Source: IRo Wiki
Job Change Quest
Ministrel Job Change Quest
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Bard, 60 for Clown
Reward Item: 1 Minstrel Song Hat[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. Immediately south of the boat in Alberta, speak to the Bard (alberta 196, 133). Offer to help him find 'Minstrel Song'. He says to look around Prontera.
2. Go to Prontera and speak to the Warmhearted Woman (prontera 141,97) near the center Kafra. She sends you to talk to someone near Prontera Castle.
3. Just west of Prontera Castle, speak to Glasses-wearing Man (prontera 140, 331). He will tell you to speak to the woman in front of the tool shop.
4. In front of the tool shop speak with Woman (prontera 146, 218). She doesn't offer much help. Return to Alberta.
5. Speak to the bard again, he has learned that 'Minstrel Song' headed to Hugel many years ago. Since the sea route is no longer in service, you'll have to take the Airship.
6. Head to the Juno-Hugel (Domestic) Airship.
7. Speak with the bard in the northwest corner (airship 222,67). You will automatically be warped to an inn in Hugel. Speak to the bard again and he will suggest visiting the pub.
8. In southeast Hugel, enter the pub (hugel 127, 65).
9. In the first room inside the pub, speak to the Tone-deaf Person.
10. After listening to the Tone-deaf Person's song, return to the inn and speak to Karian. After telling him that 'Minstrel Song' headed for Thanatos Tower, Karian decides you will both go there too.
11. Walk near the portal to enter Thanatos Tower (tha_scene01 140, 199), and you will find a piece of paper on the ground. Head to Juno.
12. On the west side of the main Juno quad, speak to Mr. Click (yuno 143, 170). You will recieve a photo of 'Minstrel Song'. On the back of the photo it says you need to hunt 33 teddy bears.
* Go kill 33 Teddy Bears. (ein_fild03 is the best place to do this. From Lighthalzen, go north, east, then north.)
13. In front of Lighthalzen Hotel, speak to the little girl. She says 'Minstrel Song' was headed for the Ice Cave, so head to Ice Dungeon.
14. As soon as you enter Ice Dungeon 01, you will start to explore the map and find a poem written on the wall. (a series of NPC's will teleport you from 1 spot to the next as you read each line).
* Note: This may not work if there is another player sitting at the entrance to Ice Dungeon.
15. When you wake up, speak to the Old woman. She tells you 'Minstrel Song' went to comodo after he carved the poem in the wall of the Ice Dungeon. Since Karian is afraid of airships, you will need to get to Comodo via the south veins dock.
16. Talk to the sign, take the kayak, and when prompted, "Throw the water out" of the boat.
17. Once you arrive in Comodo, head north and talk to the Kayak Master he suggests asking the hostess at the diner.
18. Head to the north end of Comodo and speak to the Woman Roasing Meat (comodo 159, 318). She tells you 'Minstrel Song' headed somewhere quiet southeast of Morroc. Head to the Assassin Guild.
19. As you walk up the steps towards the Assassin Guild (moc_fild16 205, 231), you'll find a sheet of paper buried in the sand. Karian says to visit the clock tower, so head to Aldebaran.
20. As you approach the Clock Tower in Aldebaran, Karian appears and sings you a song his friend used to sing. Afterwards, he suggests returning to Prontera.
21. Near the south Prontera Kafra (prontera 157, 39), Karian will speak with you again. Approach him and speak to him. You will be warped to a small room.
22. Speak to Karian again inside the room, and he will reveal that he is 'Minstrel Song' and job change you to Ministrel.
Source: IRo Wiki
Job Change Quest
Royal Guard Job Change Quest
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Crusader, 60 for Paladin
Item: 100 Burning Hearts
Reward Item: 1 Dip Schmidt Helm[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. In the crusader area of Prontera castle, speak with Middle-aged Gentleman (prt_castle 48, 161). He will tell you about Schmidtz's trace.
2. Speak to him again, when he asks what is key to being a Royal Guard, select any option.
3. To show your endurance, bring back 100 Burning Hearts.
4. After returning with the hearts, listen to his story.
5. He tells you the last missing trace of King Schmidtz is in Glast Heim Monastery.
6. Head to Glast Heim Abbey and walk straight forward to (gl_church 156, 102). A popup dialogue will tell you that you feel a strong power.
7. Numerous spots will be marked on your minimap, at each spot, check the Delicate trace until you find A Saint's Clothing Piece.
8. Return to Prontera Castle and speak to the Middle-aged Gentleman again. He will take the Cloth and give you a King's Shield.
9. There is some strange writing on the back of the shield, check your quest window to read it.
10. Proceed to Glast Heim, at the north end of the right side of the moat around the castle, click on the Memory of King Schmidtz (glast_01 240, 367) near the tree.
Source: Iro Wiki
Job Change Quest
Shura Job Change Quest
Base Level: 99
Job Level: 50 for Monk, 60 Champion
Reward Item: 1 Blazing Soul[1], 1 Green Apple Ring
1. In Veins, go into the Pub (veins 149, 218) and talk to Sludge Worm (ve_in 241, 128).
2. He and a waitress get into an argument, and an unknown fighter breaks it up.
3. Go back outside and up the ramp to the upstairs building (veins 128, 237) and talk to the fighter down the stairs (NPC window will pop up). The fighter is reluctant to talk to you. Continue talking to her until she tells you to kill 100 Desert Wolves.
4. Return after killing the wolves, and she tells you to talk to Buddy who is training on the El Mes Plateau southeast of Juno.
5. Talk to Buddy in the center of Juno Field 7 (yuno_fild07 254, 176) who warps you to the test area.
6. Enter the chatroom (there may be a wait if someone is ahead of you).
7. Upon entering the test room, a large mob of Incubus, Rybios, Skeleton Prisoners and Zombie Prisoners will spawn. Another wave will spawn later, followed by a mob of Rideword "Magazines." Finally, another mob of Incubus, Rybios, etc. will spawn. The monsters do not have to be killed.
* Tip: Hide behind the top pillar and kill monsters that find their way to you (with the flags in front of it, pictured). It is recommended to have Mental Strength as a backup for when the mob attacking you becomes too large to pot through.
8. After surviving the onslaught, Buddy returns, the surviving monsters are killed and he takes you to his Master.
9. Talk to the Master, who accepts you as a Sura and changes your job.
Source: International Ragnarok Community
Job Change Quest