Renewal Changes

Sunday, November 28, 2010

3-1 Classes3-2 ClassesRenewal ChangesSkill ChangesMapMonsterQuest

Most of this blog material are taken from:
Italian Ragnarok Community & Korean Ragnarok Community


Strength (STR)

* 1 point of STR increases status physical attack power by 1
* 1 point of STR increases your weight limit by 30

Agility (AGI)

* 1 point of AGI increases flee rate by 1
* 5 points of AGI increases status defense by 1
* Each point of AGI increases attack speed (ASPD) by a good amount

Vitality (VIT)

* 1 point of VIT increases your Max HP by 1%
* 1 point of VIT increases your recovery rate by 2%
* 2 points of VIT increases your status defense by 1
* 5 points of VIT increases your status magic defense by 1

Intelligence (INT)

* 1 point of INT increases your status magic attack by 1.5
* 2 points of INT increases your status magic defense by 1
* Each point of INT decreases your variable cast time by a bit (about half as much as DEX)

Dexterity (DEX)

* 1 point of DEX increases your hit rate by 1
* 5 points of DEX increases your status magic defense by 1
* 5 points of DEX increases your status magic attack by 1
* 5 points of DEX increases your status physical attack power by 1
* Each pont of DEX increases attack speed (ASPD) by a very low amount
* Each point of DEX Decreases your cast time by a good amount

Luck (LUK)

* 1 point of LUK increases your CRIT by 0.3
* 3 points of LUK increases your status physical attack power by 1
* 3 points of LUK increases your status magical attack power by 1
* 3 points of LUK increases your hit by 1
* 5 points of LUK increases your flee by 1
* 10 points of LUK increases your perfect dodge by 1

Base Level

* 1 level increases your HIT rate by 1
* 1 level increases your FLEE rate by 1
* 2 levels increases your status DEF by 1
* 4 levels increases your status ATK by 1
* 4 levels increases your status MATK by 1
* 4 levels increases your status MDEF by 1

* With Bows, Guns, Musical Instruments and Whips, the increase in physical attack power from DEX and STR are swapped,
making DEX the primary damage stat.

Stat Allocation

When becoming 3rd Class you are able to spend more stat points on your stats; your base stats can go up to 120. However, while stats from 1-99 will cost the classic amount of statpoints (2~10 : 2 points each, 11~20 : 3 points each, 21~30 : 4 points each, etc.) stats over 99 will cost you more:

* 100 -> 104: 16 points each
* 105 -> 109: 20 points each
* 110 -> 114: 24 points each
* 115 -> 119: 28 points each

Job Bonuses (Job 50)
Rune Knight3351073
Arch Bishop545860
Guillotine Cross675470
Shadow Chaser637535
Royal Guard555555

Normal ASPD Formula

ASPD = baseASPD + floor(sqrt((AGI^2/2) + (DEX^2/5))/4 + (potskillbonus*AGI/200) + shieldpenalty)

If you use % ASPD modifiers like a Cecil Damon Card, Doppelganger Card or Merchant Battleground Medals, you have to use the following calculation to ascertain your final ASPD (for "ASPD" use the ASPD you calculated in the calculation above):

final ASPD = ASPD + round((190 - ASPD) * (sum%modifiers/100))

The "potskillbonus" is the bonus gained by ASPD potions (like Concentration Potion) or ASPD skills (like Twohand Quicken). At present, only the currently highest active potion modifier and the currently highest active skill modifier works (Concentration Potions and Awakening Potions won't stack, only Awakening Potions will work in this case; Twohand Quicken and Frenzy won't stack, only Frenzy will work in this case).

Consumable Items

* Concentration Potion : +4 ASPD
* Awakening Potion : +6 ASPD
* Berserk Potion : +9 ASPD


* Adrenaline Rush as caster : +7 ASPD
* Adrenaline Rush as party member : +6 ASPD
* Twohand Quicken : +7 ASPD
* Frenzy : +15 ASPD
* Last Stand : Unknown increase
* Single Action : Unknown increase
* Study : Unknown increase

Shield Penalties
ClassShield PinaltiesClassShield PinaltiesClassShield PinaltiesClassShield Pinalties
Novice-10Super Novice-5----
Swordman-5Knight-5Lord Knight-5Knight-5
--Crusader-5Paladin-5Royal Guard-
Thief-6Assassin-6Assassin Cross-6Guillotine Cross-9
--Stalker-5Rogue-5Shadow Chaser-4
Acolyte-5Priest-5High Priest-5Arch Bishop-10
--Bard Dancer-7Clown Gypsy-7Ministrel Wanderer-7
Mage-5Wizard-High Wizard-Warlock-5
Taekwon-5Star Gladiator-5Soul Linker-8--

Physical Attack Formula

statusATK for melee attacks = [STR + DEX/5 + LUK/3 + BLv/4]

statusATK for ranged attacks = [DEX + STR/5 + LUK/3 + BLv/4]

statusDEF = [BLv/2 + VIT/2 + AGI/5]

armorDEF = DEF provided by equipment + sum of refines of all equipments (except weapons)

Upgrade ATK

* +2 ATK per upgrade for level 1 weapons
* +3 ATK per upgrade for level 2 weapons
* +5 ATK per upgrade for level 3 weapons
* +7 ATK per upgrade for level 4 weapons

Final Damage = Unarmed Damage + Weapon Damage

Unarmed Damage: StatusATK * 2 * EnemyDEF * Reductions * AttributeMod(Ghost Only)

Weapon Damage: WeaponATK * STRBonus * SizeMod * EnemyDEFMod * Reductions * Element * Cards

STR Bonus: (200+STR)/200

Notes : ATK-increasing cards like Andre or Porcellio, as well as ATK-increasing gear like Bloody Shackled Ball or Pirate Dagger, count as equipmentATK. Normal damage-increasing cards, like 20% cards (e.g., Santa Poring, Drainliar and Skel Worker), increase the damage from equipmentATK/WeaponATK only, not from statusATK.

Special damage-increasing cards, like the "7/10-cards" (Goblin Steamrider, Assaulter, etc.) or The Paper Card increase the damage of both statusATK and equipmentATK/weaponATK, but only when critting. Also, this bonus damage provided by these cards only affects normal attacks, not skills.

Critical attacks ignore FLEE of the enemy and the final damage is multiplied by 1.4, however CRITs get reduced by DEF.

Magic Attack Formula

statusMATK = INT + [INT/2] + [DEX/5] + [LUK/3] + [BLvl/4]

statusMDEF = [INT + VIT/5 + DEX/5 + BLv/4]

armorMDEF = MDEF provided by equip (see DEF section for details)

Upgrade MATK

* +2 MATK per upgrade for level 1 weapons

* +3 MATK per upgrade for level 2 weapons

* +5 MATK per upgrade for level 3 weapons

* +7 MATK per upgrade for level 4 weapons

Min Magic Damage

(weaponMATK+upgradeMATK) * 2 + 1.5 * statusMATK * %MATKbonus * 111.5/(111.5+equipMDEF) - statusMDEF

Max Magic Damage

[weaponMATK+upgradeMATK+(wMatk*wLvl)/10] * 2 + 1.5 * statusMATK * %MATKbonus * 111.5/(111.5+equipMDEF) - statusMDEF

FLEE Formula

FLEE = LVL + AGI + FLEE equips + FLEE skills + 100

HIT Formula

HIT = LVL + DEX + HIT equips + HIT skills + 175

Dodge Formula

Dodge Rate(%)= 100% - (Attacker's HIT - Defender's FLEE)

Flee Penalty in Mobs


Defense & Damage Reduction

* Damage reduction per status DEF : -1 damage per status DEF

* Status DEF formula : Status DEF = [(VIT+Baselevel)/2] + [AGI/5]

ArmorDEF and upgradeDEF reduces the damage by a certain percentage depending how much DEF you have:

* %Damage reduced by armorDEF+upgradeDEF = (1-(600/(ArmorDEF+UpgradeDEF + 600)))*100

Defense & Damage Reduction
[edit] DEF

* Damage reduction per status DEF : -1 damage per status DEF

* Status DEF formula : Status DEF = [(VIT+Baselevel)/2] + [AGI/5]

ArmorDEF and upgradeDEF reduces the damage by a certain percentage depending how much DEF you have:

* %Damage reduced by armorDEF+upgradeDEF = (1-(600/(ArmorDEF+UpgradeDEF + 600)))*100
DEFReduceWith Assumptio

Example Equipment Defense Values


* Bone Helm: 15 DEF
* Drooping Cat: 3 DEF
* Puppy Headband: 3 DEF
* Orc Helmet: 9 DEF
* Iron Chain: 4 DEF
* Wizard Hat: 7 DEF
* Apple of Archer: 1 DEF
* Sakkat: 4 DEF
* Pirate Bandana: 4 DEF
* Ribbon: 1 DEF
* Goibne's Helm: 10 DEF
* Magni's Cap: 9 DEF
* Grand Circlet: 7 DEF
* Biretta: 8 DEF
* Indian Fillet: 5 DEF
* Gallapago Cap: 4 DEF
* Egg Shell: 6 DEF


* Magic Tactics: 18 DEF
* Guard: 20 DEF
* Memory Book: 25 DEF
* Angel's Protection: 30 DEF
* Naga Scale Shield: 35 DEF
* Buckler: 40 DEF
* Advanced Arm Guard: 45 DEF
* Mirror Shield: 45 DEF
* Stone Buckler: 45 DEF
* Arm Guard: 50 DEF
* Shadow Guard: 52 DEF
* Shield: 60 DEF
* Flame Launcher: 60 DEF
* Orleans Server: 75 DEF
* Valkyrie Shield: 80 DEF
* Thorn Shield: 85 DEF
* Strong Shield: 90 DEF
* Platinum Shield: 95 DEF
* Bradium Shield: 98 DEF
* Tournament Shield: 105 DEF
* Holy Guard: 110 DEF
* Sacred Mission: 120 DEF
* Cross Shield: 130 DEF


* Shadow Walk: 0 DEF
* Crystal Pumps: 5 DEF
* Sandals: 5 DEF
* High Fashion Sandals: 7 DEF
* Angel's Reincarnation: 8 DEF
* High Heels: 10 DEF
* Shoes: 10 DEF
* Sprint Shoes: 10 DEF
* Fricco Shoes: 12 DEF
* Goibne Greaves: 13 DEF
* Tidal Shoes: 13 DEF
* Valkyrie Shoes: 13 DEF
* Variant Shoes: 13 DEF
* Vidar Boots: 13 DEF
* Diabolus Boots: 15 DEF
* Boots: 16 DEF
* Black Leather Boots: 16 DEF
* Shackles: 18 DEF
* Safety Boots: 22 DEF
* Greaves: 27 DEF


* Cotton Shirt: 10 DEF
* Leather Jacket: 15 DEF
* Orlean's Gown: 15 DEF
* Adventurer's Suit: 20 DEF
* Silk Robe: 20 DEF
* Sprint Mail: 20 DEF
* Pantie: 22 DEF
* Silver Robe: 23 DEF
* Scapular: 24 DEF
* Angelic Protection: 25 DEF
* The 4 Elemental Armors: 25 DEF
* Wooden Mail: 25 DEF
* Tights: 27 DEF
* Mink Coat: 30 DEF
* Padded Armor: 35 DEF
* Candra: 36 DEF
* Mantle: 37 DEF
* Improved Tights: 38 DEF
* Casting Robe: 40 DEF
* Thief Clothes: 40 DEF
* Magic Coat: 40 DEF
* Formal Suit: 40 DEF
* Long Coat: 42 DEF
* Sniping Suit: 42 DEF
* Chain Mail: 45 DEF
* Divine Grace: 45 DEF
* Naga Scale Armor: 45 DEF
* Saint's Robe: 50 DEF
* Divine Clothes: 50 DEF
* Odin's Blessing: 53 DEF
* Chameleon Armor: 55 DEF
* Valkyrie Armor: 55 DEF
* Holy Robe: 57 DEF
* Diabolus Robe: 57 DEF
* Ninja Suit: 58 DEF
* Glittering Jacket: 58 DEF
* Goibne's Armor: 58 DEF
* Lord's Clothes: 59 DEF
* Full Plate: 65 DEF
* Life Link: 75 DEF
* Legion Full Plate: 79 DEF
* Diabolus Armor: 79 DEF
* Meteor Plate: 85 DEF
* Brynhild: 120 DEF


* Hood: 4 DEF
* Ragamuffin Manteau: 4 DEF
* Running Shirt: 5 DEF
* Diabolus Manteau: 5 DEF
* Angelic Warmpth: 6 DEF
* Skin of Ventus: 7 DEF
* Muffler: 8 DEF
* Falcon Muffler: 8 DEF
* Morpheus Shawl: 8 DEF
* Mithril Magic Manteau: 8 DEF
* Morigane's Manteau: 9 DEF
* Ancient Cape: 9 DEF
* Survivor's Manteau: 10 DEF
* Valkyrie Manteau: 10 DEF
* Mushika: 10 DEF
* Wool Scarf: 11 DEF
* Goibne's Spaulders: 11 DEF
* Eagle Wing: 12 DEF
* Manteau: 13 DEF
* Skeleton Manteau: 13 DEF
* Vali's Manteau: 13 DEF
* Crest of the Rider: 13 DEF
* Wolfheiden: 13 DEF
* Dragon Coat: 14 DEF
* Tendrillion Skin: 14 DEF
* Dragon's Warmth: 16 DEF
* Naght Seiger Flame Manteau: 16 DEF
* Heavenly Maiden Robe: 18 DEF
* Pauldron: 25 DEF
* Asprika: 40 DEF


* Magic damage reduction per status DEF : -1.5 damage per status MDEF

* Status MDEF formula : Status MDEF = [INT + VIT/5 + DEX/5 + BLv/4]

ArmorMDEF reduces the damage by a certain percentage depending how much DEF you have:

* Damage from magic = Magic Attack * 111.5/(111.5+eMDEF)

Total magic damage calculation:

* Damage = Magic Attack * 111.5/(111.5+eMDEF) - sMDEF

MDEF Reduction
MDEF% Damage

% Damage Reductions

Racial Reductions :

Percentual reductions against races, like Thara Frog, Khalitzburg and Beret work against both normal attacks and skills.

Critical attacks are now also affected by reductions so racial reductions also work against crits.

Elemental Reductions:

Garment cards protecting against certain elements, like Raydric Card or Jakk Card, reduce damage from all statusATK/weaponATK/equipmentATK.

Elemental reductions like Raydric Card reduce the damage of monsters by a certain %.

Since monsters don't use weapons but use a simple base ATK to determine their attack power (contrary to players using statusATK and weaponATK) garment reduction cards work against the whole ATK of monsters.

Defense Skills

Assumptio :

Assumptio increases your statusDEF, armorDEF, statusMDEF and armorDEF by 100% (which means Assumptio doubles it).

If you have 100+30 DEF without Assumptio it will increase your DEF to 200+60.

Angelus :

Angelus increases status DEF provided by VIT by (5*Skilllevel)%

Angelus level 10 increases status DEF from VIT by 25%; if you have 100 VIT, the VIT gives you 50 status DEF.

Angelus 10 would increase this to 75 status DEF.

Cast Time

While a few skills (Gravitation Field, Ganbantein, and Tracking, for example) have a fixed cast time, most skills' cast times can be reduced by upping stats and getting cast time reduction equipment/skills.

Each skill with reduceable cast time has two parts of cast times : a variable cast time and a fixed cast time.

The fixed cast time is always 20% of the original cast time and can only be reduced by special skills and special equipment; the variable cast time can be reduced by DEX, INT, Magic Strings, Suffragium and cast time-reducing equip/cards.

For Example: A skill with 10 seconds of total cast time has 2 seconds of fixed cast time and 8 seconds of variable cast time.

No matter how much INT, DEX and cast time-reduction equipment you have, you won't be able to make the cast time faster than the fixed cast time (in this case 2 seconds) with normal methods (unless you use special skills like Sacrament or Radius).

To reduce all variable casting time with stats you need a combination of DEX and INT so DEX*2 and is at least 530

(DEX*2+INT) = 530

Some examples of how you could reduce all variable casting time:

170 INT and 180 DEX

190 INT and 170 DEX

Full Cast Time Formula

castTime = (1 - SQRT((Dex * 2 + Int) / 530)) * (1 - sum_castReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.8 + (1 - max_fixedReduction/100%) * baseCast * 0.2

* Basecast = base casttime of a skill
* sum_castReduction = Sum of reduction for variable casttime (like Suffragium, Isilla card effect or Kathryne Keyron card)
* max_fixedReductrion = Highest reduction modifier of fixed casttime (for example if both Sacrament (50) and Radius (20) are active only Sacrament will work)

Element Table

The element of the attacking weapon is left, the monster/player that is attacked (receiving the damage) is the top line.

Experience Points

You only gain full experience of a monster if your level is about the same or up to five levels higher than the monster.

If your level is lower than the monster you will get additional experience for killing that monster, however if the monster level is too high (more than 10 levels higher than you) you will get only 40% experience.

Also, if the monster is lower than you you will get less experience.

For best experience points you should hunt monsters that are the same level as you or up to ten levels higher.

NOTE: Boss protocol monsters (MVPs and other Boss protocol monsters like Kasas) always give the same XP, regardless of the killer's level.

For example : You encounter a level 44 Orc Warrior who gives 3800 XP on a 10x XP server (renewal server)

Magic Attack Equipment
Equipment Changes

Some pieces of equipment have been changed for the Renewal patch. In particular, most Rods and some Books now grant equipment magic attack power.


* Asura[2] and [3]: 50 MATK
* Bazerald: 105 MATK, INT +5


* Rod[4]: MATK +30
* Wand[3]: MATK +45, INT +1
* Staff[3]: MATK +70, INT +2
* Arc Wand[2]: MATK +95, INT +3
* Might Staff: MATK +100, STR +10
* Wand of Occult: MATK +105, INT +3
* Bone Wand: MATK +110, INT +4
* Staff of Wing: MATK +115
* Survivor Staff[1]: MATK +120, DEX or INT +3, HP +400
* Hypnotist Staff[2]: MATK +120, INT +1
* Lich's Bone Wand[2]: MATK +170, INT +1, DEX + 1, Trans Only
* Recovery Staff: MATK +105
* Staff of Piercing: MATK +145, INT +4, Trans Only
* Gentleman Staff[1]: MATK +125, DEX +1
* Release of Wish: MATK +125, INT +3
* Holy Stick[1]: MATK +140
* Thorn Staff of Darkness: MATK +160, INT +3, DEX +3, Trans Only
* Eraser: MATK + 170, INT +3, DEX +2
* Staff of Soul: MATK +200, INT +5, AGI +2, Two Hands
* Wizardry Staff: MATK +200, INT +6, DEX +2, Two Hands
* Divine Cross: MATK +210, DEX +4, Two Hands
* Chronos: MATK + 240, INT +3, Two Hands, Trans Only
* Staff of Destruction[1]: MATK +280, INT +3, AGI +10, Two Hands, Trans Only


* Hardcover Book[1]: 25 MATK
* Giant Encyclopedia: 70 MATK, +15% statusMATK
* Sage's Diary[2]: 120 MATK
* Principles of Magic[2]: 160 MATK, INT +1
* Ancient Magic[2]: 140 MATK


* Elemental Sword: +95 MATK, INT +4, DEX +1, STR +1


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